General information about this website and other things to know.
This site is my social media page. I post about projects, things I find interesting, and general things that I want to share.
It has gone through many revisions and was once hosted on the domain. You can view the original as it was left at Posts from the intermediary and original site can be found in the Archive and Extended Archive sections of my blog.
I locally host this page and its cousin,, on an old Dell Latitude E6500 in my basement. They run on go webservers for template functionality. Dynamic features like tags and masonry layout on the gallery page will be coming soon. Continuous integration is setup using Git and a fetch/merge script which runs in a cron job every minute. This lets me publish articles and site changes without much fuss.
I run my own Filebrowser instance across two servers in different locations. You can read more about the setup in my 3-2-1... Backup article.
The links page came about due to my unmanaged yet ever growing bookmarks bar. I wanted a way to visualize my bookmarks and easily access them on the go.